The Rent Estimator is a powerful tool that allows users to estimate the monthly cost of a unit for potential tenants. Each estimate is stored and can be retrieved using the estimator code assigned to each printed estimate. This allows users to easily generate estimates that are valid for a set amount of time, give them to potential customers to consider, then move them in using that exact estimate at a later date.
Accessing the Rent Estimator
The Rent Estimator can be found in the Unit WorkCenter as highlighted here.
The Rent Estimator Screen
- Each estimate is stored in the system and can be retrieved using the reference code printed on each estimate. Users can then use the saved estimate to easily move tenants in.
- Estimates and rates can be printed and given to potential tenants.
- Users can see rates and availability of units. Users can then select the units to use that specific rate in the rent estimation.
- “Total Charges” and “Total Taxes” are totaled to estimate the amount of the tenant’s first bill.
- Charges and adjustments appear under “Standard Monthly Charges.”
- Taxes are applied by selecting the appropriate charge category.
Jun 5, 2015 3795 Syrasoft Getting Started, Tenants, Units
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